Wednesday, January 19, 2005

This was quite a shock...

I believe Gmail is dangerous to use... according to this article. But since I have no links - online or otherwise - to anybody who could be a danger to anyotherbody, I figure I can still go on using it. But gosh, the article was an eye-opener...


hari said...

Hi Shyam,

Have you ever been associated with some Intelligence agencies or undergone some training in Scotland Yard. You seem to have an impeccable aptitude to get your hands on critical, sensitive information.

Hats off to you. I had just got a G-mail invite. Now I do not think I am too interested in that. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

ah-HA! now you know which mail service those eye-rackis and al qaeda terr'rists will NOT be using :-) they, wisely, must be using pigeon post and smoke signals.


Shammi said...

Hehe... Brinda, nice try at fooling the searchbots! :) Of course them t'r'rists wont be using Gmail! hahaha.

Hari - if only I was some cool private eye or someone from the CBI! :) Nope, I'm just a regular blogger!

Harish said...

"eye-rackis and al qaeda terr'rists"


but i still like g-mail! :)

ABCD said...

Hi Shyam! This link is an absolute beaut! Thnx for posting it.
But whatever it sez.... i still want that quick loading interface with one gig of cyber-space.
P.S: I've got 3 gmail ids :)