Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What colour is YOUR hair?

Recently noticed on a shampoo bottle (I think it was l’Oreal, but I’m not 100% sure), this description: “Prone to dandruff coloured hair”.

Dunno about you, but I have to say I'm pretty happy not to be prone to dandruff-coloured hair. What shade of disgusting would that be, I wonder...

Really, could not ONE person in the company’s ad agency have thought about what the wording implied, and changed it to “For coloured hair prone to dandruff”? That would have made sense and been grammatically correct.

Right, a question for y'all: How much should I worry about noticing something like this, how much more for letting it bother me, and how very much more for actually pointing it out in print?


Anu said...

It makes one think that your hair would be prone to dandruff if you used that stuff...

Anonymous said...

absolutely legit worry. why shouldn't it bother you. especially if you end up buying the product because you liked dandruff coloured hair?
on hair colour -- we were filling out a visa appl, and it asked for hair colour? how does that serve anything, in this day of highlights and dyes?

fortyfiveminutes said...

You shouldn't worry at all - you've got your priorities right. How is the world going to sort itself out if we don't tell it how to!

I'm a long-time reader on a mission to delurk and say hello, by the way. So hello, and you have a blog I enjoy reading, so keep the posts coming.

Cee Kay said...

I'd say you shouldn't worry. You have company in me :) I notice such things too, and they bother me as well. If I don't point it out in print it might just be due to lack of time :) Now two awesome chicks like us don't need to worry, right? Right!

Teesu (very very Indian, very very good) said...

You should worry this much :) Tis the right amount.