Wednesday, November 12, 2008

There's a joker in here somewhere, right?

I can only hope that the writer of this deeply insightful and extensively researched article had her tongue tucked in her cheek when she submitted it for publication - and that the editor who DID pass it had a better sense of humour than I do... because for god's sake, in what way does this resemble actual news?


Anonymous said...

Who controls the remote controls the world?

umm oviya said...

keep linking newspaper posts. through this i discovered till now unknown things about obama...

Teesu (very very Indian, very very good) said...

Anything is news -- is that what it means?

Anonymous said...

I understand this is a milestone presidency for lot of people. But he's become like the latest celebrity where people want to know what he does every single minute. It's disgusting! Let us see him in action instead of worrying about remotes and dogs and puppies!
Did you know that Peru has nominated their peruvian hairless dog to be the Obamas' new pet? Sheesh!