Monday, June 19, 2017

A pox on chickenpox!

I didn't expect at my age to catch chickenpox. Certainly I didn't recognise a single symptom. It started with a very high temperature and body ache. The flu, I thought, and swallowed some Nurofen. Then a few bumps appeared on my scalp and around my jaw and on my face. Pimples? I thought, and scratched at them like a bleddy monkey. They leaked a clear fluid so I concluded that they were not pimples, after all. But I've never been subject to a rash of pimples before, not even in maximum unbridled teenage hormonehood, so I was concerned. I presented my lumpy bumpy face to my husband, who thought perhaps that it was a heat rash from the very high fever that I came home with, combined with the very hot weather we've been having. But, he said, sleep on it and we'll see in the morning.

In the morning, to my horror, I looked like an extra from a zombie movie, with hundreds of lumpy bumps all over my face, shoulders, chest and back. No jokes, I could have walked on any horror movie set and been taken on, no make-up required. Chickenpox, Pete concluded. And he was right. To be fair, he'd had it himself, plus his kids had also had it as children, so he was well qualified to judge.

It's been 5 days so far - 5 days of hell in blazing hot weather. I've been confined to the bedroom with the aircon AND a pedestal fan going 24/7... and it's still not cool enough to calm down my scalp. I had no idea that every hair on my head would hurt this much. A bloody pox on chickenpox, I say!


30in2005 said...

Poor you! Ok here is what you need my friend:
Neem oil.
Oats in a handkerchief soaked in a bath with you.
The thickest Calamine and Aveeno you can find.

Pox on the pox I say.

Ravi said...

Shammi, hope you get/feel better soon. Try the traditional remedies - coconut water, watered down mor, manjal paste over boils, veppilai to fan over the itchy boils, a cotton veshti (made wet with water and wriggled) on the floor to lie down. Just make sure you do not squish any of the boils - when done so - the scars linger on. And no oily, spicy foods for a while, as I heard that the body internals are all worn out too.

Anu said...

Oh! What a horrible thing to happen.

Bathe in a tube of Calamine. Drink barley water.

Get well soon.

Just saw the date - trust you are fine now...