Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Extreme enunciation irritation

Do you think that the prats (updated to add: BBC newsreaders in particular) who pronounce the word "sexual" as "Seksual", also pronounce "usual" as "U-sual"? And "sensual" as "sens-yual" and so on. If they don't, they bleddy well should, just to be consistent in their extreme annoyingness (to coin a word?).

One of my pettest of peeves, I think. 

"Sek-sual" indeed. Effing idiots. 


Anu said...

LOL! My Grandma couldn't pronounce the letter "Z" - she used to say "jip" for "zip" and "jero" for "zero" and "jeebra" and so on...

Shammi said...

Oh no, no, Anu - i wasn't making fun of those who genuinely can't pronounce certain sounds! I'd been listening to BBC newsreaders - it's a stylistic thing, you see!

Anu said...

Aah. I know what you mean. You know what bugs me more - it's the desis putting on fake American accents!

Shammi said...

ESPECIALLY when the accent slips! :D