Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Of pens and pins...

Do ALL pens and pencils grow little legs and scurry away to hide just when you need one desperately (a pen/pencil, that is. Not a leg) to take notes while someone gabbles vital information on the phone?

I understand this sudden-appendage-growth theory is based more on Enid Blyton than anything more specificially scientific, but since I believe there is no scientific explanation, I’m going with Enid Blyton.

(Also, you understand, I haven’t actually seen pens and pencils grow legs, but I have it on authority based on extensive and exhaustive readings over the years of Ms Blyton’s works that such things either:

1. Happen when you’re not looking.

2. Happen even when you are looking but you can’t see it because you’re not a child, as the various magical activities of faerieland are not open to grown-up scrutiny.)

And to end this on a completely unPC note, what wouldn't I give for a paraplegic pen right this moment...


brinda said...

hallelujah and prise the lawd! she actually pens more than sunday scribblings... and paraplegic pens, indeed! the word verif thing you insist upon is "slymsil" -- that's a pencil that slyly disappears when you need it, yes?

Shammi said...
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Shammi said...

Hey, you wanted a non-Sunday Scribblings post, so I pencilled it in my "Things to do for Brinda" list :) And today I penned the post! :D

Teesu (very very Indian, very very good) said...

Hmmm. What do you want it for anyway? That's what I want to know. And know what? The pens that are handy, do not write! How's that? More annoying than no pens, huh?

meerkat said...

i a movie i saw last week, 'state of play', russell crowe gives a necklace of pens to his associate who is constantly searching for a pen to write things down. that is what you need. watch the movie , not just for that but because it is an excellent thriller and you and pete can recreate that scene ;-)


Kamini said...

Pens and pencils have a special gene that render them immune to paraplegia. This gene also ensures that they dry up and stop writing just when you need them.
I suppose it's all the fault of those naughty golliwogs in the nursery!! (never realized this while growing up reading Enid Blytons, but apparently those golliwogs are a racist concept!)

shrooty said...

haha! isn't it also weird that it is usually the nicest pen or pencil you own that disappears?